Pflugerville, TX | Round Rock, Tx | Kyle, Tx
Call Us Today : 512.252.1297

Services & Rates

Existing Clients

Electronic Filing

(Direct Deposit or IRS Check or Prepaid Debit Card)

All Returns Start at $200.00

+ Any Additional Schedules Including (A, B, C, D, E, F,) up to $175.00

Refund Transfer via SBTPG $189.90

+ $125.00 (Bank Products Fee)
+ $44.95 (RT Processing Fee)
+ $19.95 (Technology Fee)
+ Consultation Fees** (If Applicable)

New Clients

All Returns Start at $225.00

+ Any Additional Schedules Including (A, B, C, D, E, F,) up to $175.00

Refund Transfer via SBTPG $189.90

+ $125.00 (Bank Products Fee)
+ $44.95 (RT Processing Fee)
+ $19.95 (Technology Fee)
+ Consultation Fees** (If Applicable)

All Clients paying by credit card will be billed a service fee of 3%.

Business Tax Returns Including: Partnerships 1065, Corporations, 1120, S Corp 1120 S: $490.00 + any additional fees

**Consultation Fee – $100.00 Per 30 Min.
*If you drop off your tax documents for us to prepare and decide not to have it completed, there will be a $25.00 service charge. If you meet with us to go over preparing your tax return and decide not to have us prepare it, you will be charged a consultation fee. If you hire us to prepare your tax return and we complete it, you will be required to pay our fee in full before receiving your documents. All drop offs will require payment at the time of drop off. All fees are based solely on income tax preparation.